Skills4Sports (Increasing the Employability of NEETs by tackling the skills gap for the Sports Sector) is a project funded by the European Union, under the ENI CBC MED programme.
The programme is managed by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Italy) and aims to promote cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean region.
In the Mediterranean region, youth unemployment is twice as high as adult unemployment. In the Southern Mediterranean, young people are three times more likely to be out of a job than adults (International Labour Organisation, 2017). Contrarily, prominent sectors, like the sports industry, face challenges finding the right skills for their rising needs. Responding to this challenge,
Skills4Sports aims to increase the employability of NEETs by tackling the skills gap in the sports sector. It will create new curricula in sports-related professions including both athletics-related ones (coaches, physicians, etc.) and business oriented ones (merchandising, marketing, administration, event management). This analysis based on skills gap will result in electronic tools (e-learning platform, mobile app and social-media app) addressed to youth and in a network “Strategic Alliance for Skills4Sports” dedicated to key sport stakeholders reducing the skills’ mismatch and offering new job opportunities to NEETS.
Increase the employability of NEETS of the Mediterranean area in the sports sector, by developing new professionals, reducing the mismatch of skills and involving key stakeholders
Εxpected Results
Skills4Sports will increase capacities of the NEETS to find better jobs with more than 200 job contracts expected thanks to the adjustment of skills’ mismatch between offer and demand. The transnational nature of the sport industry will contribute to pursue careers across borders, including international events, mobility of employees and multicultural working environments with the support of stakeholders involved in the Strategic Alliance for Skills4Sports. Moreover the involvement of institutional partners in the consortium, the access of all partners to political actors, as well as the planned involvement of key policy-makers in the Strategic Alliance for Skills4Sports, will provide the project with the opportunity to influence relevant policies at several levels and in different regions.
Expected Outputs
- 9 new curricula for sports professionals
- 3 electronic tools for e-learning and gamification
- 240 training days for final beneficiaries
- 1 Strategic Alliance for Skills4Sports
Lead beneficiary | : Development Agency of Evia SA / Greece |
Partner 1 | : TREK Development of Infrastructures and Services SA / Greece |
Partner 3 | : International Cooperation South South / Italy |
Partner 5 | : Salfit Development Association / Palestine |
Partner 6 | : Palestine: Sports for Life / Palestine |
Partner 7 | : Rene Moawad Foundation / Lebanon |