RMF celebrating World Children’s day

Name: Najib Yazbeck

Title: Project Coordinator

Project name: Emergency assistance with Water, Sanitation, and Education for Syrians refugees and affected populations in North Lebanon 

At the Rene Moawad Foundation, we believe that every child has the right to learn and be engaged in educational activities regardless of his age, gender and nationality.

Our aim is to secure a child friendly environment, where children can reach education without being at risk of any kind, such as violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Therefore, trainings on Child Safeguarding Policy, Child Protection, and Safe Identification and Referral were delivered to our education front-liners (teachers of BLN, YBLN and FLG).

Those training enhanced the abilities of our teachers to create a safe and effective learning platform, where children can reach their right to education through online courses in Math, Arabic, French and English languages.

Through these activities, we provide the right of education for neglected and working children, in formal and non-formal education programs.

RMF celebrating World Children’s day
RMF celebrating World Children’s day