Terms of Reference for the sub-contraction of “External Support for the development of a Communication and Dissemination Plan” for SIRCLES Project
Project Background:
The Mediterranean’s high unemployment rate, especially among the youth & women, has serious economic & social repercussions, which matters not only for the countries individually, but also has wider implications. At the same time, the area suffers from a combination of different environmental challenges that further affect peoples’ livelihoods. Considering the complexity of the situation, MED countries need to consider new approaches that address these challenges integrally.
SIRCLES -Supporting Circular Economy (CE) Opportunities for Employment and Social Inclusion- is a far-reaching project that contributes precisely in that direction, with ambitious goals & clear benefits for the MED Sea Basin.
The project provides marketable skills for the future and new job opportunities in the CE and bio-waste (BW) management sectors for NEET & Women. The recognised potential of the CE sector to create jobs and boost the economy, whilst safeguarding the environment (EC and ILO), has encouraged a large partnership of social inclusion stakeholders and organisations from the civil society, public and private sectors coming from Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Spain & Tunisia.
In all these countries, NEET & Women will be offered tailor-made trainings on BW management, entrepreneurial and soft skills, as well as job opportunities along the BW loop in separation, collection, composting and farming.
SIRCLES will deliver CE business models serving as a showcase to be scaled-up and replicated in the PP regions & beyond, contributing towards having a more inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth. The development of capacities along with job insertion and the engagement of local entities will ensure sustainability beyond the project duration. CE is in the process of evolution & this project will help in providing the necessary empirical evidence needed for informing policy-making and developing further this inclusive economic model.
The project partners are:
- Agència de Residus de Catalunya / Waste Agency of Catalonia (Calatonia, Spain)
- Training and Employment Labour Insertion Company Catalonia, Spain)
- National Technical University of Athens (Attiki, Greece)
- Organization Earth (Attiki, Greece)
- House of Water and Environment (Palestine)
- EDAMA Association for Energy, Water and Environment (Amman, Jordan)
- Rene Moawad Foundation (Lebanon)
- Tunisia ECOTOURISM (Bizerte, Tunisia)
- Italian Composting and Biogas Association (Lazio, Italy)
- PIN S.c.r.l. Scientific and Educational Services for the University of Florence (Toscana, Italy)
The René Moawad Foundation, partner of SIRCLES in Lebanon and leading the Communication work package is launching a tender for a Communication Expert to develop a Communication and Dissemination Plan for the project.
Subject and Primary Requirements:
- The subject of this document is to establish the terms of reference that the candidates shall fullfil to put forward a proposal for this call for tenders.
- The external support required by the RMF for the implementation of tasks of SIRCLES project consist of:
The Development of a Communication and Dissemination Plan/Strategy (CDP) for the SIRCLES project. The CDP is a strategic document to be used as a roadmap for a timely & effective implementation of the project communication activities that ensure the visibility of the project, amongst other communication objectives.
It should detail at least the following main elements: objectives, target groups, key messages, activities, channels, tools to be used, time plan, budget and resources needed, in addition to the workflow among partners.
Specific objectives of the project communication are:
- Raise awareness about the project & effectively highlight the benefits & value of the project results, especially among youth NEET and women, policy makers, as well as social inclusion stakeholders and organizations from civil society and private sector.
- Engage effectively with NEET, Young and women in vulnerable situations, as well as local communities, organizations of the social society, encouraging their participation and collaboration in SIRCLES activities;
- Publish & widely disseminate the results of the project, reaching the widest possible audience across the EU & MED region, & promote their capitalization.
The CDP needs to follow the communication & publicising requirements of ENI CBC MED, to tackle external communication needs through the exploitation of modern and effective tools and channels, including a broad digital campaign. It should furthermore take into account social & cultural differences between partnering countries (Lebanon, Greece, Palestine, Spain, Italy, Jordan, and Tunisia) and account for a gender-inclusive communication.
- To perform this task, the candidate should familiarize himself with SIRCLES project and the ENI CBC Med program requirements on communication. For this purpose, the RMF will facilitate all the relevant information and documents to the candidates.
- The final version of the CDP will have to be revised and approved by the RMF and the lead beneficiary of SIRCLES project same as the rest of the project partners.
Professional Qualification:
Education: Preferably advanced degree in one or more of the following disciplines: Mass Communications; Development Communication; Organizational Communications, Journalism, or other relevant fields.
Experience and technical qualifications:
- At least ten years of relevant experience in developing communication strategies, designing, production and publishing/dissemination/airing of communication products using various media, and organizing, and producing major events of regional or international nature;
- Relevant experience in working for governments and/or international organizations on consultancy assignments, especially in strategic communications planning.
- Proven track record in strategic communications planning, advertising, message and EU development, among other consultancy services;
- Good knowledge of NEET and women’s, bio waste issues in the Mediterranean region, related to public awareness, knowledge, and understanding of stakeholders, as an advantage;
- Sound knowledge of the institutions of Mediterranean region and international organizations such as the EU as an advantage;
General Competencies:
- Excellent command of English and Arabic both written and verbal. French, Greek, Italian and Spanish are an advantage;
- Ability to work in a team in a multi-cultural environment;
Key Deliverables
The consultant should submit a strategic Communication and Dissemination Plan, which clearly defines the methodology to apply throughout the project duration.
- Cover page, RMF will provide sample cover sheet for reference
- Table of contents, list of acronyms, abbreviations and list of tables and charts.
- Executive summary of communication activities, calendar and budget
- Background information and context analysis
- Proposed Communication Strategy
- Communication W orkflow among partners
- Key messages
- Deadline to present proposals: March 10, 2021
- Deadline for submitting draft of version of the CDP: March 25, 2021
- Deadline to provide feedback on the proposed communication strategy: March 31, 2021
- Deadline for the final deliverables: April 7, 2021
Budget and payment:
The consultant should submit the total budget in the proposal with a detailed breakdown including applicable government taxes.
The payment will be divided in 50% when confirming the award of the tender and 50% at the end upon the approval of the final version of the CDP by all project partners.
Submission of proposals:
Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:
– Detailed response to the TOR
– Proposed methodology of the communication strategy.
– Proposed timelines
– CV and portfolio
– Example of previous work
– Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, etc.
Please send your proposal, as ONE PDF document with the above-mentioned points, to René Moawad Foundation (Email: [email protected] and [email protected]) by March 10, 2021 referring “SIRCLES Project CDP”.