René Moawad Foundation Concludes “Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in the North and Akkar” Project

The René Moawad Foundation organized the closing ceremony of the project “Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in the North and Akkar for Sustainable Development” funded by the European Union, in cooperation with Saint Joseph University’s Lebanese School for Social Training. The ceremony was held in the conference room of the René Moawad Foundation building in Mejdlaya on Wednesday 30 May, in the presence of Representatives from the European Union Delegation in Beirut, Mr. Gianandrea Villa and Mr. José Luis Vinuesa Santamaria, Head of the Economy and Local Development Department and Head of the Sustainable Development Section of the EU Delegation to Lebanon, respectively, in addition to the Director of the Lebanese School for Social Training Ms. Marise Tannous, the General director of the René Moawad Foundation Mr. Nabil Moawad, and members and representatives of the associations involved in the project.

The ceremony began with a detailed technical presentation by René Moawad Foundation’s project coordinator for this project, Ms. Jano Barakat, who explained the project’s objectives and main highlights. In this context, it should be noted that the project’s aim was to build the capacity of civil society organizations in the North and Akkar districts and make their work more sustainable in the long run, as well as providing them the opportunity to submit project proposals with financing reaching a total value of 40,000 euros.

Head of the Sustainable Development Section of the EU Delegation, Mr. José Luis Vinuesa Santamaria, expressed his pleasure at participating in the closing ceremony of this important but short-term project, considering that the objective of the project has been fulfilled, which is the capacity-building of civil society organizations in the North and Akkar, something of exceptional importance to the European Union. “This project’s importance lies in building the capacity of organizations and serving community members by strengthening social partnership and protecting and supporting partnership with the public and private sectors,” said Santamaria.

Then he expressed the pleasure of the European Union to be financially supporting the implementation of a series of capacity-training programs aimed at building the capacity of associations to write and submit projects, marketing, communication, human resources management, strategies and other issues that help bridge the gaps and needs of local community organizations. He spoke about the importance of the role of civil society organizations in the formulation of local policies and their efforts to implement these policies. “I hope that these initiatives will be repeated by the organizations that participated in these trainings”, stressing the importance of networking between those organizations.

On her part, Ms. Marise Tannous, Director of the Lebanese School of Social Training at Saint Joseph University, spoke about her experience working in cooperation with the René Moawad Foundation: “When the René Moawad Foundation asked me to apply for the involvement of Saint Joseph University’s Lebanese School for Social Training, I didn’t hesitate for one moment to participate, and this is what any of us would have done for such projects.”

And regarding the importance of the project, she added: “First of all, our tasks at the Lebanese School of Social Training intersect with the functions of the Rene Moawad Foundation in the service of man and society.” Secondly, the mutual cooperation between academics and players on the ground can result in the integration of competencies for formulating and implementing successful and effective projects. Finally, the North Lebanon region deserves special attention from each of us, given its social and developmental needs as well as the capabilities and resources that must be strengthened and encouraged. ” She also pointed out that “the primary motivation for our commitment to this project lies in the hope we place in this country, especially in its active forces, that is the associations that struggle every day and by all means available to them to realize people’s dignity and preserve their rights.”

Then the General Director of the René Moawad Foundation, Mr. Nabil Moawad meanwhile stressed on “the importance of the language spoken by everyone here today, the language of civil society”. He continued by saying that “this is the language that we have become accustomed to and which Lebanon is now lacking, which is the language that we seek to develop and to set as an example for the private and public sector.” I know well that this project today, through the training of Saint Joseph University, is very important. It’s possible that some people were disappointed at being unable to get the necessary funding, and I understand their position. But I assure them that the future lies ahead of us and of them, and that the skills acquired by the associations during these trainings allows them today to obtain donations by donors.” He then added: “I am proud today to say that some of these associations have become brilliant, and that this ceremony is not the end but the beginning because we have discovered the enthusiasm of these organizations and their haste for development work and public affairs.” We hope to be together, hand in hand, in future projects, especially that today you are able to apply on your own to projects launched by any donor, including the European Union. ”

He concluded by saying that “In this context, I am addressing the European Union, the first donor to Lebanon, to tell them that the Rene Moawad Foundation has acquired many experiences through its involvement and implementation of a large number of projects funded by it. I also thank the St. Joseph University, which worked with great passion and showed us that academics, contrary to what is rumored of them being confined within University walls, they were the initiators on all levels. I thank the participating associations and thank the team of the René Moawad Foundation on its completion of this project.”

Then Mr. Zaher Obeid, the representative of the “Al-Hadatha” Association and a spokesman for the participating associations in the project, gave a speech saying that “Sustainable development is achieved by meeting the needs of people and the local community and by finding the appropriate means and methods to advance our regions by reinforcing the partnership between civil society organizations,” He added: “The training received by the associations had a positive impact on the workflow. In the “Al-Hadatha” Association, for example, we observed great progress and development in the team in terms of acquired capabilities and communication skills. The ceremony ended with the distribution of certificates to participating associations followed by a cocktail gathering.

Job Vacancy: Reporter/Editor/Feature Writer – consultant

RMF is seeking a Reporter/Editor/Feature Writer – consultant in Achrafieh with visits to project sites. 

BALADI is a seven-year program funded by USAID. It aims at supporting municipalities that demonstrate a real commitment to participatory, equitable, and effective decentralized local governance and economic development. The goal of the program is to conduct a nationwide competitive process annually to support municipalities, unions of municipalities and clusters of municipalities that illustrate a strong commitment to change and local development and that generate innovative solutions to the provision of public services, citizen engagement, and economic issues facing their communities. Projects should improve reliable and affordable public services, expand broad citizen participation, particularly youth and women, and advance social capital.

Position Summary

The Reporter/Editor/Feature Writer will be responsible for writing press releases, success stories, articles, posts, and literature in addition to interviewing key persons (Beneficiaries, sources, experts RMF team …) to be used in various dissemination mediums to RMF donors, stakeholders, media, partners and targeted audiences.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

  • Conduct research to uncover interesting and significant news.
  • Gather, corroborate and interpret data.
  • Interview key persons (witnesses, sources etc.) to obtain more information.
  • Use findings to construct well-written articles.
  • Retain awareness of the readers’ point of view.
  • Obtain first-hand information by being present in happenings.
  • Receive assignments or investigate news leads/tips.
  • Comply with the moral code of the profession.
  • Maintain notes and audio recordings.
  • Partner with other journalists, editors, producers etc.
  • Establish contacts and sources for use in future research.

Qualifications and Skills Required

  • Proven working experience as Reporter/Editor/Feature Writer
  • Current knowledge of headlines
  • Computer proficiency (MS Office, digital editing, web search, databases)
  • Excellent communication and networking skills along with an aptitude in extracting information
  • Good observation and deduction skills
  • Integrity and morality
  • BSc degree in journalism or relevant field
  • Fluent in English and Arabic, French is a plus

Please send your CV and cover letter to “[email protected]” and [email protected] mentioning the position title in the subject of your email.

Invitation to bid: Hospital Emergency Room Equipment in Aley

RMF and the municipality of Aley are calling for an invitation to bid to equip the existing Emergency room unit at Al Iman Community Hospital in Aley.

Interested applicants can obtain the file from RMF office in Ashrafieh (01/613367).

The deadline is 25-06-2018 – 3PM

You can find the bid here in addition to the bidding conditions here.

Invitation to bid – Mammography machine and accessories (Ferzol)

RMF and the municipality of Ferzol (Zahle District) are calling for an invitation to bid to equip the village health clinic with a mammography machine and accessories.

Interested applicants can obtain the file from RMF office in Ashrafieh (01/613367).

The deadline is 18-06-2018 – 3PM.

The bid invitation can be found here.

And the bidding conditions can be found here.

مؤسسة رينه معوض والسفارة الهولندية في لبنان تصدّران البطاطا اللبنانية للمرة الأولى إلى أسواق الاتحاد الأوروبي

احتفلت مؤسسة رينه معوض بتصدير عشرين طنا من البطاطا اللبنانية للمرّة الأولى إلى أسواق الاتحاد الأوروبي، وذلك بالتعاون مع وزارة الزراعة و السفارة الهولندية في بيروت، وبالتنسيق مع التعاونيات الزراعية في عكّار. أقيم الاحتفال في قاعة المحاضرات في مبنى إدارة واستثمار مرفأ بيروت، بحضور رئيسة مؤسسة رينه معوّض النائب السابق نايلة معوّض، مديرعام وزارة الزراعة لويس لحود ممثلا الوزير غازي زعيتر، سفير هولندا في لبنان يان ولتمانس، مدير عام مصلحة الأبحاث الزراعية ميشال افرام ممثلا بميشال عيسى الخوري، مدير عام وزارة الإقتصاد والتجارة عليا عباس، مديرعام الجمارك  بدري ضاهر ممثلا بالعقيد عادل فرنسيس، مدير عام مؤسسة رينه معوض نبيل معوض، سفير منظمة الأغذية والزراعة “الفاو” موريس سعادة، رئيس اللجنة الزراعية في اتحاد غرف التجارة والصناعة والزراعة في لبنان رفايل دبانة، رئيس تجمع رجال الاعمال اللبنانيين الهولنديين محمد سنو، رئيس مجلس إدارة واستثمار مرفأ بيروت حسن قريطم، ممثلة عن الاتحاد الاوروبي فيرجيني كوسول، حضور أمنيّ، رؤساء التعاونيات الزراعية في عكار وحشد من رجال الاعمال والمزارعين.

استهل الحفل بالنشيدين اللبناني والهولندي، ثم كلمة النائب السابق نايلة معوض عبرت فيها عن فخرها واعتزازها بهذا الإنجاز الذي تُصدَّر بفضله منتجات لبنانية ذات جودة عالية متطابقة مع المواصفات الأوروبية، وذلك بالتعاون الوثيق مع القطاعين العام والخاص من جهة، مع المزارعين والتعاونيات، ومع الاتحاد الأوروبي والسفارة الهولندية من جهة أخرى.

وأكدت معوض: “إن الهدف الأساس هو كرامة المزارع الذي نسعى من أجل أن يبقى في أرضه وأن يعيش بكرامة. بالتعاون مع السفارة الهولندية، عملنا للمرة الأولى في لبنان على أصناف من البطاطا موجودة في دول الاتحاد الأوروبي،

وذلك بالتعاون مع مصلحة الأبحاث الزراعية والمزارعين حيث تم انجاز هذا المشروع بنجاح بعدما اعتمدنا خطوات عملية كثيرة وتخطّينا عقبات جمة، ولكن بمساعدة الجميع تمكنا من تحقيق الاهداف المرجوة”. وأعربت معوّض عن سرورها بنجاح هذا المشروع الذي يعود بالخير أولا على المزارعين ومن ثم على الاقتصاد الوطني.

ثم كلمة وزير الزراعة غازي زعيتر ألقاها مديرعام وزارة الزراعة لويس لحود الذي رحب بالحضور وأشاد بدور وعمل مؤسسة رينه معوض. تحدث لحود عن أهمية هذا المشروع الذي يهدف إلى تطوير المنتجات الزراعية اللبنانية وتثبيت المزارع في أرضه، مما ينعكس إيجابًا على الواقع الزراعي، مشيرًا إلى دور وزارة الزراعة في دعم مثل هذه المشاريع التي تساهم في تحديث وتطوير المنتجات الزراعية. وقال: “مررنا بمراحل عدة قبل أن تتمّ الموافقة على التصدير للاتحاد الأوروبي، وحينها بدأنا بالمرحلة الأصعب وهي تحضير المزارع اللبناني للعمل على تطبيق المواصفات. وفي هذا السياق، كانت مؤسسة رينه معوّض السبّاقة في تطبيق المواصفات مع المزارعين”.

ثم تحدّث سفير هولندا في لبنان يان ويلتمانس :”تشكل مملكة هولندا أكبر خامس جهة مانحة للبنان. بالفعل، نحن ندعم لبنان في معالجة أثر الأزمة السورية من خلال التنمية الاقتصادية، وتوفير فرص العمل (الصندوق الاجتماعي-الاقتصادي للتنمية، وبرنامج التكنولوجيا الزراعية “أغريتيك”، ومنظمة الأغذية والزراعة “الفاو” في إعادة تأهيل المدارس المهنية والمشروع الأخضر)، وحقوق الانسان، وترسيخ الاستقرار، والسلام والأمن وأخيراً العمل مع الشباب. وهذه بضعة أمثلة فقط عمّا تقوم به هولندا في لبنان”.

وأضاف: “مع مؤسسة معوض أخذنا على عاتقنا أن نبرهن بأن السوق الاوروبية مفتوحة أمام المنتجات اللبنانية. ويمكن استيفاء المعايير الاوروبية إن حصل المزارعون في لبنان على الدعم الصحيح والمقاربة الصحيحة لبلوغ هذه الأهداف. وقد عملت مؤسسة رينه معوض بشكلٍ وثيق مع المزارعين في عكار ومورّدي البذور والتجار الهولنديين. ونتيجةً لذلك، يصدّر لبنان بتاريخ اليوم العشرين طن الأولى من البطاطا إلى مملكة هولندا. كما أود أن أذكر النازحين السوريين الذين سُمح لهم بالعمل في الأرض فساهموا بالتالي في هذا النجاح بدورهم. ولقد بيعت البطاطا بأكملها حتى قبل شحنها. لذلك أنا فخور جداً بهذا الانجاز اليوم وآمل أن يشكل نموذجا ً للمزارعين كافة في لبنان لتكرار التجربة والانفتاح على أسواق جديدة.”

وختم: “نعرف جميعنا بأنه في حال الفشل، من السهل أن نشير بإصبعنا إلى من أخطأ. أما عند تحقيق أي نجاح، فيعرّف الفائزون والأبطال فجأةً عن أنفسهم. ولكن في هذه الحالة، فإن مؤسسة معوض والمزارعون والفلاحون والخبراء من هولندا ومعهد البحوث الزراعية في لبنان هم وحدهم من لعب دوراً فعالاً دون سواهم. أنا على يقين من أن هذا التطور من شأنه أن يشجع وزارة الزراعة والسلطات اللبنانية على تعزيز مبادرات مماثلة في القطاع الزراعي.”

ثم قدم المدير التقني للمشروع لدى مؤسسة رينه معوّض المهندس عماد رياشي شرحًا تقنيَّا تنفيذيًّا والصعوبات التي رافقت المشروع. ثم تفقد المشاركون الكميات المصدرة في محطة المستوعبات في مرفأ بيروت.

إعلان إستدراج عروض مناقصة أعمال مشروع حفر بئر ارتوازية في ببنين – عكار

ضمن مشروع “المساعدة الطارئة في المياه والصرف الصحي للنازحين السوريين والمجتمعات المتضررة في شمال لبنان” الممول من المفوضية السامية  للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين (UNHCR)

تعلن مؤسسة رينه معوض (RMF) عن رغبتها باستدراج عروض لمناقصة أعمال مشروع حفر بئر ارتوازية في ببنين – محافظة عكار 

على الراغبين بالإشتراك في هذه المناقصة الاستحصال على ملف التلزيم بدأ من 16/5/2018 من مكاتب مؤسسة رينه معوض الكائنة في :

زغرتا، طريق مجدليا-علما  /ت: 666093 /06

وذلك من الساعة الـ30 :9 صباحاً حتى الـ3:30  بعد الظهر

تقدّم العروض في مدّة أقصاها نهار الثلاثاء في 28/05/2018  في مكاتب مؤسسة رينه معوض، على أن يكون تاريخ فض العروض في اليوم التالي 29/05/2018 الساعة 10:30- في مؤسسة رينه معوض في مجدليا-زغرتا.

(إعلان إستدراج عروض- سخانات مياه على الطاقة الشمسية – زكرون (الكورة

تقوم مؤسسة رينه معوّض بالشراكة مع بلدية زكرون  بإجراء مناقصة عامة لتنفيذ مشروع تركيب سخانات مياه على الطاقة الشمسية في بلدة زكرون (الكورة) على الراغبين بالاستحصال على الملف التوجّه الى مكاتب الـمؤسسة في الأشرفية، شارع ألفرد نقاش – بناية المحامين – ط (6)- تلفون:01-613367  . آخر مهلة لتسليم العروض الساعة 3:00 ب.ظ في 4/6/2018 على أن تفضّ العروض في 5/6/2018 بتمام الساعة 11:00 ق.ظ في مكتب المؤسسة في مجدليا يمكنكم الاطّلاع على شروط المناقصة  هنا

Invitation to Bid- Installation of Solar Water Heaters in Kattin-Hidab

As part of the Baladi Program, RMF and the municipality of Kattin-Hidab are calling for an invitation to bid for the installation of Solar Water Heaters in Kattin-Hidab.

Interested applicants can obtain the file from the RMF office in Ashrafieh (Phone: 01-613367).

The deadline is May 29, 2018.

The bid invitation can be found here.

New Job Vacancy: Civil Engineer Consultant

The Building Alliance for Local Advancement, Development, and Investment (BALADI) program is a USAID funded program that supports locally-generated socio-economic development projects throughout Lebanon. The BALADI program seeks to encourage service delivery by local governments through municipal projects that respond to citizens’ needs. It assists municipalities and communities that have collaborated together to prepare and well plan for livelihood improvement projects.

Position Summary:

The Civil Engineer will be technically supporting RMF/BALADI team to ensure the execution of Construction works for all USAID/Baladi Projects. He/she will also play an advisory role to BALADI’s stakeholders in ensuring sustainability of these initiatives.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Oversee day to day project implementation and ensure effective and timely completion of the infrastructure interventions according to project specifications and standards.
  • Supervise the implementation of the technical components of the project contracted.
  • Ensure proper project implementation, full compliance with required standards and specifications.
  • Conduct regular Site inspection to check if the works on site are moving as per drawing, as per material approved, as per method statement and as per quality control procedure.
  • Generate, in coordination with the Project Manager and the Deputy Program Director, designs, illustrations, and Bills of Quantities (BOQ) for the required projects.
  • Conduct field assessments and coordinate with different stakeholders to determine the scope of work, resource requirements, and estimated costs.
  • Monitor work progress as per USAID/Baladi regulations and standards.
  • Prepare weekly field plans/reports to be submitted to the Project Manager; Support in establishing and maintaining proper project documentation and records, including but not limited to:
    • Needs assessments questionnaires, monitoring questionnaires, certificates of vouchers receipts, consolidated list of beneficiaries, photos etc.
    • Identify equipment and material needs by developing a detailed bill of quantities (BOQ), and in co-operation with the local Procurement team assess what is available in the local market.
    • Other duties as assigned by the supervisor.

Qualifications and Skills Required: 

  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering
  • 5+ years professional experience in Site and Field Engineering
  • 5+ years professional experience in performing inspections in the civil discipline on construction projects
  • Qualified in language and writing skills and ability to produce high-quality professional reports, and technical summaries
  • Qualified presentation skills and ability to communicate to large audiences.
  • Qualified people skills with the ability to communicate effectively in person, verbally and in writing.
  • Strong communication & leadership skills and the ability to organize and conduct meetings & workshops.
  • Ability to work in the office and travel on-location.
  • Mastery of computerized tools, specifically with Autocad, Microsoft Office software (Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
  • Fluent in English and Arabic.
  • Deadline for application is on Friday, May 18, 2018.

To those interested, please apply at: [email protected]

إعلان مناقصة لتنفيذ مشروع تجهيز مستوصف بلدة فيع – الكورة بآلة تصوير شعاعي Mammography

As part of the Baladi Program, RMF and the municipality of Fih are calling for an invitation to bid for the project titled “Equiping the Fih health clinic with a Mammography machine and accessories“.

Interested applicants can obtain the file from RMF office in Ashrafieh (Phone: 01-613367).

The deadline is May 21, 2018.

The bid invitation can be found here.