Funded By The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Purpose of the Consultancy:
Provide Nematology laboratory at LARI-Fanar station capacity building expertise in molecular diagnostic (DNA analysis to species level) for Globodera in soil and plant tissue analysis of regulatory and quarantine concern.
Scope of Work:
Training of the participant on the genomic DNA extraction, quantification, nuclear agarose electrophoresis, gel visualization and documentation, Conventional Polymerase Chain reaction amplification (cPCR) and RT-PCR (quantitative PCR), post PCR purification, nucleic acids cryostorage and purification optimizing for genome sequencing.
Timeline: 15 man-days
Salary range: >3000$
Deadline: 04-02-2021
Place of training: The trainer should host the trainee in his laboratory
Qualifications required:
- PhD in Plant Nematology or PhD in Genomics
- At least 5 years of experience out of PhD duration
- Proven experience in molecular biology on Plant and Crop protection, Plant diseases, Nematology, Parasitic nematodes, Plant pathology (pest and diseases).